Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yoga for the Feet: Part Two

Last week we learned about rolling our feet for release of tension. After a week of practicing your easy daily rolls how do those feet feel? Less cramps and pain? Well wait till you see what we have in store for those mobile limbs today.

How's that Balance?The most common thing I hear from people as to why they can't practice yoga is: they have no balance or it is very bad. My response, then you need yoga in order to change that. Culture likes for us to imagine we have dainty, pretty feet that just whisk us through life as if we were Cinderella in her pumpkin carriage. But dainty feet never went through the torture we put our current day feet through, from pointed toe heels to long hours standing. Pretty feet, however, can still manage today's needs with the following wonderful exercises.Toega

You have never heard of Toega? It is what my students call toe yoga. Something I learned from my teacher
Jenny Otto, which changed my feet from the major pain they felt. Speaking of pain, just as with any exercise, there will be a certain amount of soreness at first, but after a week that should go away. I found a massage or soak in warm water and Epsom salt to really feel great.Here's How It WorksStand with both feet under your hipsLift all ten toes (once this is easy try spreading them apart and straight)

Bring just the big toe down

Relax the toesAs before with the feetLift just the big toes, keeping the little toes down

Relax the toesNow, lift all ten toes againBring just big toe downThen bring pinky toe downBoth big toe and pink toe are downThree toes in middle stay lifted

Relax the toesTipsStart with one foot, which ever one seems to get it faster. Then work the other one alone. Eventually they both will work together.Don't be afraid to give those toes a hand, literally. Sit where you can lean over and use your fingers to help. Alternate assisting in lifting or holding down. After a week of assisting, the toes will have that muscle memory!We All Like a Little SpaceWe just learned with Toega how to strengthen our feet and toes, now it's time to create a little space and flexibility. This is something I encourage when you have down time, as it feels really good and can be done anywhere. Lots of students do it while watching TV. I personally do it while soaking in the tub. My feet are warm and relaxed and I can give them some extra care like scrubbing the dead skin off or pampering them with an exfoliating treatment. Yes, I am a bit girly about my feet, but remember pretty feet have great balance too!Toe SpaceStart with the right foot across your left thigh.Place the left hand to the sole of the foot and bring fingers through the toes from underneath.This may take some time to work into, so go slow. If this is really hard, do what you can today and keep trying each day. They will change!

  Once you can comfortably get those fingers through the toes just rest for a minute giving them some time to enjoy the space.Now with the fingers still between the toes, place your palm to the sole of the foot and the fingers on the top and give a soft hug.

Gently move the toes toward your shin and away, getting a nice stretch into the top of the foot.Continue for a few seconds, then rest.

  With fingers still between toes, take your hand in a twisting motion, like opening a can, from side to side.

  Continue for a few seconds, then rest.Now, spread your fingers wide to open those toes wider and release the fingers from the toes.Tug-O-ToePlace the first finger (pointer) and thumb at base of big toe.Gently rub from side-to-side all the way up to the tip of the toe.Repeat with the other four toes

Now, start with the big toe again and from base gently pull and slide up toe giving the toe a pop.Repeat with other toes.

A Round of Applause
Take each hand on top and bottom of foot.Softly clap from toes to heel/ankle.Continue till foot feels warm and relaxed.Now stand on both feet and notice the difference in the feet. What are you noticing?Repeat on other foot now!Daily Foot Love

After a week you will not want to go a day with out giving some foot love. Not to mention, your balance may start to change. Why? Because as you work on your feet they are building strength, flexibility and space. This creates a stronger foundation for your body to stand into and more flexibility as you walk. Besides, it just feels so wonderful!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Yoga for the Feet: Part One

Most all of us never think about our feet, until we can't help but notice them. At some point or another we are all plagued with:
  • Sore and Tired Feet
  • Cramps
  • High Arches
  • Low or No Arches
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bunions
  • Swelling
  • And the List Goes On

So, what do you do when your feet are in pain?

Preventative! That, to me, is the whole philosophy of yoga. Take care of today what you can avoid tomorrow. Rather than wait for the pain, just take five minutes (if even that) to keep your little pups happy. Most all of my students have picked up the following daily habit of foot care and have done so without my prompting. It is amazing how such little things can really make a difference in ones life.

How well do you understand you feet?

Let's take a look. Take off the shoes, socks - just get those feet naked already! Now look at them. They are the foundation of your whole body. Just like any structure, you want a wide and supportive base to hold up the rest of you. Not to mention when your are mobile you want a foundation that is smart enough to adjust to rough terrain. If you take care of those feet you will never have to worry about things breaking down.

Some Fun Facts
  • The foot and ankle have 26 bones; 33 joints; more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments; a network of blood vessels, nerves, skin,  and soft tissue.
  • You have three arches: Inner arch, Transverse arch and Outer arch. These arches stabilize your feet and carry the weight of the body
  • The arches are supported by Tibialis Anterior and Fibularis Longus. In layman's terms, they are stirrups that help give your arches a lift.
  • The feet can move in three different planes: bend up and down; wiggle from side to side; tilt inward and outward.
  • And my favorite, the Ligament of the foot called Plantar Fascia that forms the arch from toes to heel, but what is really cool is that this fascia runs from the tip of the toes along the backside of the body and finally ends at your eyebrows. Now that is one long tissue!
(Facts gathered from the Body Balance Yoga Therapy manual, authored by Jenny Otto, my teacher and inspiration in yoga therapy. For more about BBY Yoga Therapy:

How it Works
The last fact is what we will focus on today. When we manipulate that fascia on the soles of the feet it also creates a change through the backside of the body. Let's ponder that for a moment, if I have tension in my neck or forehead, instead of grabbing an Advil lets try to instead release the tension in our feet and that will create a dominoes affect up to the neck and head. The more times that fascia is released on a normal basis the less tension along the backside of the body and head. Now that is not only cheaper than drugs but so easy and feels wonderful, maybe even addictive for some.
What You Will Need
Tennis Ball
Two to Five Minutes
Mat, Rug Or Non-Slip Surface

Getting Started

Rolling Foot
-Stand with both feet under your hips.
-Place ball under right foot and roll the ball from toes to heel with a pressure that is like a good massage.
-Roll foot for as long as feels good or you have time for.

Next - Five Point Pressure
-Place ball under toes and toe mound of foot, heel stays down - Bend Knee - Press with massage pressure. *Remember never put force into your body, and never go into pain!

-Place ball at top of arch, behind mound of foot, heel stays down - Bend Knee - Press with massage pressure.

-Place ball a little closer to heel, middle of arch, heel stays down - Bend Knee - Press with massage pressure.

-Bring toes down and place ball before heel, bottom of arch - Bend Knee - Press with massage pressure.

-Place ball under heel with toes down - Bend Knee - Press with massage pressure.

-Stand into both feet again. What difference do you now notice?

Now do all the above to the left foot so it feels great too!

When do you roll out your feet?

Whenever you want! I recommend directly after getting out of bed to help get the tissue softened after becoming rigid in sleep, and before going to bed to release the day's tension and stress. It is also great as a mid-day break and after a workout (however, I don't recommend this prior to a workout, especially when running). Do this daily and any foot issues you may have will probably start to change in a couple of weeks, so pay attention.

I Want to Hear From You
Let me know your experiences, outcomes and questions regarding today's yoga in the comments. Happy Trails!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Meditation - The Key to Change

Change can be difficult to face and often times feel overwhelming. One of the best ways to deal with all the emotions that come with change is meditation. Through meditation you allow yourself to be present while all the chaotic thoughts and emotions come through without actually getting involved. Yes, that means it isn’t easy, but with practice and patience it will change your life.

Many years ago, in another life time, I was a very uptight and angry individual. I allowed others’ emotions and actions to affect me negatively. After practicing a fifteen minute meditation daily for a year things suddenly started to shift. Situations that once made my blood boil no longer even caused a flinch. I ran into a friend about that time, after just five minutes she looked at me saying, “You’ve changed… a lot. What did you do?” Meditation was the answer.

Below is a program I put together for students that wanted to start a meditation practice, but didn’t know how. There are a lot of things that come up when you consider meditation: where should I meditate, how should I sit, is it normal to get frustrated, etc. These are all things I hope will be answered for you, but feel free to comment with any questions you may have as you start down the meditation practice.

What is Meditation?
Most people equate meditation with the Buddha, or enlightenment. Though meditation is a big part of Buddhism, it is not done with the goal of becoming enlightened. In all reality, meditation alone will never take you to enlightenment because it is only one tool to that particular path. Much like a needle used to make clothes cannot do so alone. It must have thread, cloth, and skill.
Meditation is not just used by Buddhist, but is used in many traditions from Christianity (Contemplation on God) to Hindus (Mantra Meditation).

Meditation has even moved beyond the spiritual realm into the medical one. Studies now show how meditation is a practice, or workout, that retrains the brain. Which means that those suffering from depression, trauma, pain, etc can begin to retrain their brain not to attach to those particular ailments. It doesn’t remove the ailment, but it does lessen it to the point of living a full life with less pain.

Most of us have experienced meditation spontaneously. Think of a time when you were maybe walking or washing the dishes and all worries and excessive thoughts dropped away leaving you feeling calm and in the moment. That was meditation!

How often do I meditate and why?
Meditation should be done every day. Just like anything you are learning in life, it takes practice in order to get better at it. Practice means you must do it every day and preferably at the same time of day. In essence, you are creating a habit. So, think of your meditation practice as a positive habit and give it time to mature. That means give it at least a month to get established.

We meditate at the same time of day because it helps to condition the body and mind. Take a moment here: When you get ready in the morning do you get ready in the same order every day? Do you brush your teeth before you dress? Or wash your face before you floss? Humans are creatures of habit.

Where do I meditate?
It is important to find a space that is quiet and removed from visual distractions. Your space can be as simple as a corner of your bedroom to a whole room to itself.

For instance:
Maggie has a favorite pillow that she has placed in the corner of her bedroom. Alongside it is a small candle and a warm throw blanket. Her bedroom has no TV or other visual/audio distractions and is well enough away from the rest of the active parts of the house to allow her privacy and silence.

Jess has an office that is used for studying and working in silence, away from any distractions. Along one side of his office is a small, short table with some of his favorite calming items: a Buddha statue, incense, meditation beads and a small chime clock. In front of the table on the floor is his meditation cushion.

Each time Maggie and Jess walk into their rooms they are reminded of their meditation. Since it is a positive habit they feel calm just by seeing their designated spaces and look forward to their meditation time. Sometimes even adding a quiet meditation to their regular habit when needed.

Home Practice

Where: Find a quiet, out of the way place. Somewhere that can create a sense of calm.

When: Look at your schedule and see what works best for you, such as mornings or evenings. This is a daily practice so make sure you find a time that doesn’t conflict with work, sleep, or family.

How Long: Start with 5 minutes. Most beginning students find it helpful to set a timer, so they are not wondering how long they have been there. When the urge to check the timer comes around move back to your focus of the breath.

How to Sit

Sukhasana (Easy Cross Legged Pose)Always use supports to prevent low back pain and knee pain. Meditation is about letting go of the physical body and drawing inward. If your physical body is in pain then you can never relax and focus, which defeats the whole purpose.

When sitting never look like this:

Knees higher than hips create low back, hip and knee pain within minutes. Also, a caved in chest causes strain to the upper back and shoulders.

You should look more like this:

Place a blanket or pillow under your sit bones. Place one leg in front of the other (you can always switch them if needed), it is ideal to find one that is most comfortable in front and keep this as your meditation posture. If knees do not touch floor place blankets, pillows or towels under to support the legs.

If your knees are higher than your hips then place another prop under your sit bones. Once you have the legs in place, lean forward with your torso (this tilts your pelvis forward) reach back and move one butt cheek back and out and then the other. Now lift your torso directly over the pelvis.

Supported Virasana (Supported Heroes Pose)
Start kneeling on the knees, making sure to have padding (yoga mat or blanket) under the legs. Place a block(s) or folded blanket between the heels. Sitting back onto your block or blanket make sure that the support lifts your hips up high enough so there is no strain in the thighs. If your knees are beginning to ache then you will need more support to lift you higher.

Once you have your supports set-up allow your lower half of the body begin to relax.
The pelvis will sit naturally with the spine tall over it. The thighs will begin to relax into the small stretch which will also let the knees relax and stretch.

This posture is one that stretches the front of the legs (thighs, knees, ankles, and feet). As you sit longer in this pose the muscles over time will lengthen. This takes time so please do not sit longer than the allotted meditation time. The weight of the body will at first cause the legs to fall asleep, this is why the supports are important. If you need additional supports please use them.

Such as:

Folded hand towels behind the knee to relieve knee pain.

Folded hand towels under the ankles to fill in the negative space while supporting the neutral ankles.

How to Start

Body Awareness
In order to draw inward, you must first get the body comfortable and relaxed. Once you are physically relaxed then you can begin to notice the support the body creates or spaciousness. This is the sensation that allows you to release the focus from the body to the meditation practice.

Close the eyes. Start with the head and spine. Notice how the head is softly lifted directly over the spine which extends upward from the pelvis. If you feel strain in the neck notice if your chin is tucked or lifted up. Try to find a neutral place of the head so there is no neck strain (it may feel unnatural at first, but will change with time).

Notice your spine, is there any strain in your upper back or shoulders? If so lean forward and then far back until you find a neutral place without back strain.

(Note: strain is different from gentle engagement. Hold your hand out and extend the fingers straight as much as possible. Feel the strain in the hand? Now straighten fingers until you are just barely holding them straight. Notice how soft and supported they feel? That is how your body should feel.)

Your arms are placed at the legs or pelvis. It is up to your body what is comfortable. The hands can be palms up, palms down, one hand gently clasped on the other, etc. The hands can be at your knees (mind you don’t lean your torso when doing so), the thighs or in your lap where the legs and pelvis meet.

Legs should be relaxed down toward the floor. Pelvis and low back should feel expansive and relaxed. If it feels compressed and tight notice if you need more support or more tilt of the pelvis.

Breath Awareness
Once the body is settled into its pose begin to focus your attention, mind, on the inhale and exhale at the tips of your nostrils. Take time to notice the temperature, the amount of moisture and the natural pace of the breath. Once you are comfortable here move your awareness to the lungs. Feel the soft rise and fall of the ribcages. Just noticing how the physical body begins to relax deeper with each exhale. Like a tight string slowly losing its tautness.

Once the body feels relaxed, yet supportive, keep your attention on the breath. Try not to adjust its pace or take control. Just witness the breath, see its movement and pace. Much like you would watch the waves of the ocean roll in and out without controlling it.

As you gently focus on the breath the mind will skip to a thought or emotion. Do not resist this or analysis this. Just see it and gently come back to the rise and fall of your breath.  Do not let the amount of skipping your mind does bother you. There is no need to worry about the minds distractions. This is part of the practice of coming back to the breath. If there were no thoughts then there would be no meditation. Each time the mind skips, see where it goes, let go and move back to the breath.

Trouble staying focused on the breath?

Beginners often times struggle with the focusing. The realization of how much is going on in the mind hits them and feels overwhelming. This is natural! Over time as you practice the focus of the breath will begin to become more natural and will last longer. The amount of times the mind skips to a thought will become less excessive. Remember, there is no perfection in meditation. Let go of “Am I doing this right?” and simply be aware of the patterns (thoughts) of the mind without attaching (thinking through) to the thoughts. Just allow yourself to soften rather than resist or push the thought.

Building the Length of Meditation
How long your practice is ultimately up to you. Most students start small so not to get frustrated. As you feel able to go beyond your initial five minutes just add another five minutes to your practice. I usually recommend only adding five minutes one week at a time though. This slow progression allows your body the time to open physically to sitting longer as well as your brain’s muscles to the practice. Once you have practiced a month you should have a solid 15 minutes for your meditation. Beyond that it is up to you. Master teachers often tell students that the longer they can commit to the practice the closer to complete focus they become – begin able to see the thoughts as a stream at a distance that doesn’t affect the calm focus – pure awareness.


Each day will be different; some will feel easy while others will feel like a struggle through the whole practice. That is life! The more you just allow yourself to be in the moment regardless of what your mind attaches to the practice the easier it will get for you. Above all else, meditation isn’t a goal to complete – it’s a practice.