Friday, May 23, 2014

A Deeper Connection

After a week of practicing the Pelvis Warm-Up you should be feeling a difference in the low back. Today we are going deeper into the connection of tension and where it may actually be coming from. We so often only focus on the area of tension, but the truth is that the whole body is affected. But let's start off simple.

Traffic Jam
The easiest way to explain tension in the body is through something we all know well: traffic. Think of the body as a system of travel. The muscles and fascia are roads that cross over each other. They may all have different names and go to different regions of the body, but they are very interconnected. For instance, you turn on to a muscle of the low back and slam there is a traffic jam, or for us pain due to tension. We immediately think there must be an accident up ahead, yet the actual accident happened on a completely different street and region know as the shoulder. The streets that cross over the shoulder connect to the ribs and those connect to the pelvis which finally connects to the low back via the hip socket. Sound confusing? It is and that is why it is important to focus on the whole body and not just where the symptoms are located.

Steering Clear
The shoulders and hips are two of the most important joints in our whole body care. When those two areas get jammed, or over used, then all kinds of havoc breaks out. Most neck and low back pain comes from issues in the shoulder and/or hips. If you are one that experiences such pain then I highly recommend the following video to get your joints steering clear again. Many of the techniques that we are using today came from my teacher, Jenny Otto, as well as my colleague and friend, Lisa Long. These two women are the reason I began exploring yoga therapy and deepened my knowledge of the body and it's movement.

Propped Up
Props were not created to be pretty or stuffed in a closet, so please pull them out. Props are designed to help your body expand and engage with better efficiency, and in many cases prevent you from pushing yourself. So, give your body that extra support with props.

For this extended sequence we are using the above props, but if you don't have them then substitute the best you can till you do. For instance, towels for blanket, tie for strap, etc. A great place to buy props is online (Amazon, SunShine Yoga for examples) or Target and Walmart. My personal preference is SunShine Yoga, they have great prices, especially in bulk, so grab some friends to get even better prices.

Video Extended Pelvis Warm-Up
This video is an extension of last week's. Please watch last week's video for the full breakdown of movement. It is also helpful to watch this video first, so you understand the use of props in today's movements.

Just a side note: I am still working on getting the recording correct, so please excuse any breaks in the flow of movement as my screen of the video went blank. I do hope to get all these glitches worked out with the next few videos. Thanks for your patience!

Next Week
Since we started the movement of the shoulders this week, next week we will continue with that focus. The shoulder movements will help to release pinched nerves, tension along upper back, and neck tension.

Have Ideas Please contact me with any requests for areas you wish to explore: email me

1 comment:

  1. This is just like our yoga class!! I love it! This video is gonna be so helpful to me. Thank u so much.
