Blog Change
You will note that the blog is different. My previous blog host decided to stop providing service, so I had to look for a new one. Please be sure to subscribe by entering your email at the right. This way you will not miss any week's yoga info or videos. You will see more videos to come!
My Assistant
Within the video you will meet my assistant Lola, my cat. She loves to join or supervise the yoga so you will see her from time to time. She is a great inspiration to my yoga as she is a natural yogi and meditator.
The Yoga Focus
This week's video focuses on the pelvis, which encompasses the low back, hips, and hamstrings. I know many of you sit for hours at a time and will really find some relief in this short sequence. Please keep in mind as you practice that it takes time to really feel the change in the body. When I started this sequence (after I was released to do body work post injury), it took at least a month to feel the muscles begin to soften. Some days felt better than others, but the key was consistency. Every morning I would roll out of bed and onto the floor, those mornings I didn't - well lets just say those were few and far between for a reason. Even now, a year later from the time I had my injury, I still do this practice every morning.

You will note that I call this sequence short, but that the video is 27 minutes long. This is due to guidance and breakdown of the movement since it is your first time with it. You should get to a point where you no longer need to watch this video because you know the movements, there are only five postures all together. Until that point try to give yourself time to really understand the movements and feel your body in them. And please remember, it is about you and your body - not how you look, so do not try to look just like me. I am just a visual guide, it is more important that you feel the movement. Eventually, you should be able to do this sequence in less than ten minutes, which makes it a great first morning warm-up.
Next Week
We will extend this sequence to address deep hip rotation and release tension from the shoulders and neck. This extended version is my favorite and one I do in the evenings after a long day.
Have Ideas
Please contact me with any requests for areas you wish to explore: email me
Thank you for a most excellent video. Recovering from a broken toe that has not healed properly, plus a sprained ankle has had me off my mat for too long. I will use these videos to get back to my home practice since I am now further into my healing. Keep the videos coming!!