Saturday, March 15, 2014

Yoga for the Feet: Part Two

Last week we learned about rolling our feet for release of tension. After a week of practicing your easy daily rolls how do those feet feel? Less cramps and pain? Well wait till you see what we have in store for those mobile limbs today.

How's that Balance?The most common thing I hear from people as to why they can't practice yoga is: they have no balance or it is very bad. My response, then you need yoga in order to change that. Culture likes for us to imagine we have dainty, pretty feet that just whisk us through life as if we were Cinderella in her pumpkin carriage. But dainty feet never went through the torture we put our current day feet through, from pointed toe heels to long hours standing. Pretty feet, however, can still manage today's needs with the following wonderful exercises.Toega

You have never heard of Toega? It is what my students call toe yoga. Something I learned from my teacher
Jenny Otto, which changed my feet from the major pain they felt. Speaking of pain, just as with any exercise, there will be a certain amount of soreness at first, but after a week that should go away. I found a massage or soak in warm water and Epsom salt to really feel great.Here's How It WorksStand with both feet under your hipsLift all ten toes (once this is easy try spreading them apart and straight)

Bring just the big toe down

Relax the toesAs before with the feetLift just the big toes, keeping the little toes down

Relax the toesNow, lift all ten toes againBring just big toe downThen bring pinky toe downBoth big toe and pink toe are downThree toes in middle stay lifted

Relax the toesTipsStart with one foot, which ever one seems to get it faster. Then work the other one alone. Eventually they both will work together.Don't be afraid to give those toes a hand, literally. Sit where you can lean over and use your fingers to help. Alternate assisting in lifting or holding down. After a week of assisting, the toes will have that muscle memory!We All Like a Little SpaceWe just learned with Toega how to strengthen our feet and toes, now it's time to create a little space and flexibility. This is something I encourage when you have down time, as it feels really good and can be done anywhere. Lots of students do it while watching TV. I personally do it while soaking in the tub. My feet are warm and relaxed and I can give them some extra care like scrubbing the dead skin off or pampering them with an exfoliating treatment. Yes, I am a bit girly about my feet, but remember pretty feet have great balance too!Toe SpaceStart with the right foot across your left thigh.Place the left hand to the sole of the foot and bring fingers through the toes from underneath.This may take some time to work into, so go slow. If this is really hard, do what you can today and keep trying each day. They will change!

  Once you can comfortably get those fingers through the toes just rest for a minute giving them some time to enjoy the space.Now with the fingers still between the toes, place your palm to the sole of the foot and the fingers on the top and give a soft hug.

Gently move the toes toward your shin and away, getting a nice stretch into the top of the foot.Continue for a few seconds, then rest.

  With fingers still between toes, take your hand in a twisting motion, like opening a can, from side to side.

  Continue for a few seconds, then rest.Now, spread your fingers wide to open those toes wider and release the fingers from the toes.Tug-O-ToePlace the first finger (pointer) and thumb at base of big toe.Gently rub from side-to-side all the way up to the tip of the toe.Repeat with the other four toes

Now, start with the big toe again and from base gently pull and slide up toe giving the toe a pop.Repeat with other toes.

A Round of Applause
Take each hand on top and bottom of foot.Softly clap from toes to heel/ankle.Continue till foot feels warm and relaxed.Now stand on both feet and notice the difference in the feet. What are you noticing?Repeat on other foot now!Daily Foot Love

After a week you will not want to go a day with out giving some foot love. Not to mention, your balance may start to change. Why? Because as you work on your feet they are building strength, flexibility and space. This creates a stronger foundation for your body to stand into and more flexibility as you walk. Besides, it just feels so wonderful!

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