Traveling is inevitable at some point in
everyone's life, and so is the aches and stiffness, whether you travel for work or
pleasure. No matter the mode of transportation, planes, trains or
automobile, the results are the same: low back and neck pain.

How to Avoid Travel Aches in the Body?
Get Loose
Stay Grounded
Happy Travels

How to Avoid Travel Aches in the Body?
As often as I have traveled with
a herniated disc and sciatica pain I needed a plan to help my body. The key, I
found, is consistency. Like anything in life, if you don't maintain it on a
regular basis it will eventually wear out. So, make it easy on yourself and
start the day off right and continue that throughout your day.
(Incase you are wondering about the Gnome, he is my travel buddy. His name is Mr. Gnome, nickname Gnomie, and yes, he does yoga too!)
(Incase you are wondering about the Gnome, he is my travel buddy. His name is Mr. Gnome, nickname Gnomie, and yes, he does yoga too!)
Step Out of Bed on the
Right Foot
Well, it doesn't have to be the actual right foot, but
just happy feet in general. As we learned the last two weeks, our feet lay the
foundation of our body and if they are unhappy then so is the rest of the body.
So treat those feet right from the start with a tennis ball. Click here for details.

It's All About the
When our hips get tight and our
shoulders up to neck get achy what do you focus on, the hips or the shoulders?
Neither! The secret to those two regions, especially when they hurt at the same
time, is the sides of the body. When the muscles and fascia along the sides of
the torso are stretched gently then the shoulders and hips are no longer being
pulled. Imagine there is a rubber band between the shoulders and hips, as it
tightens what is happening? The shoulders get pulled down (stooped shoulders
anyone?) and the hips get pulled up (low back pain and stiff hips ring a bell?).
Try this yummy side body stretch, a favorite of mine!
Side Body Stretch

-Stand with wall on right side of
-Step left foot forward one step. Lean right side of body to wall with right foot kicked away from wall like a kickstand.
-Reach right arm up wall. Hip on up is on wall.
-Exhale – starting with arm, slowly peel arm off wall; if comfortable right shoulder; if comfortable right ribcage.
-Hold and breath 5x.
-Repeat on other side.
-Step left foot forward one step. Lean right side of body to wall with right foot kicked away from wall like a kickstand.
-Reach right arm up wall. Hip on up is on wall.
-Exhale – starting with arm, slowly peel arm off wall; if comfortable right shoulder; if comfortable right ribcage.
-Hold and breath 5x.
-Repeat on other side.
Get Loose
A great way to get your low back
and hips awake and happy is to gently stir things up. First, we start with
gentle stretches to the back of the legs and buttocks. Then, we loosen the
pelvis, hips and back. I like to start my travels with this and sprinkle it in
throughout my traveling.
Straddle Stretch
-Sit with sit-bones right before
edge of chair and feet flat to floor hip distance apart.
-Bring feet and knees as wide or wider than chair.
-Inhale lift chest to sky.
-Exhale tilt from pelvis as you bring straight torso forward.
-Only go as far forward as feels comfortable and the back is straight.
-Hold and breath 5x.
Pelvis Stir
From the Straddle Fold feel feet into floor and spine tall.
Slowly begin to move the spine in a circle around the pelvis, as if the pelvis is the peanut butter and the spine is the spoon.
Now, reverse and go the other way.
You can stir as long as it feels good, just make sure to do it the same length on both sides. If there is any pain then try to make smaller circles, or stop all together.

-Bring feet and knees as wide or wider than chair.
-Inhale lift chest to sky.
-Exhale tilt from pelvis as you bring straight torso forward.
-Only go as far forward as feels comfortable and the back is straight.
-Hold and breath 5x.
Pelvis Stir
From the Straddle Fold feel feet into floor and spine tall.
Slowly begin to move the spine in a circle around the pelvis, as if the pelvis is the peanut butter and the spine is the spoon.
Now, reverse and go the other way.
You can stir as long as it feels good, just make sure to do it the same length on both sides. If there is any pain then try to make smaller circles, or stop all together.
Let's Get
When our hips are happy and
loose then our low back is too! I especially like this next stretch because you
can do it any where and no one will even notice you are doing yoga. How cool is
that? You're an yogi undercover!
Seated Hip Stretches
-Sit with sit-bones right before
edge of chair and feet flat to floor hip distance apart.
-Lift right ankle on left thigh. Flex right foot.
-Use inner thigh to push right knee softly to floor.
-Inhale reach arms to sky. (If you are some where you are unable to reach arms up then it is okay to keep hands on thighs)
-Exhale tilt from pelvis, keep back straight.
-Once you feet resistance in body stop.
-Inhale lift straight torso back over pelvis.
-Repeat movement with breath 3x. On third tilt hold with straight torso.
-Hold and breath 5x.
-Repeat on other side.

-Lift right ankle on left thigh. Flex right foot.
-Use inner thigh to push right knee softly to floor.
-Inhale reach arms to sky. (If you are some where you are unable to reach arms up then it is okay to keep hands on thighs)
-Exhale tilt from pelvis, keep back straight.
-Once you feet resistance in body stop.
-Inhale lift straight torso back over pelvis.
-Repeat movement with breath 3x. On third tilt hold with straight torso.
-Hold and breath 5x.
-Repeat on other side.
Playing the Hamstring
When was the last time you got
an uber deep hamstring stretch while traveling? Probably never. Forward folds
are difficult enough in class let's not add them in public. So, let's look
outside of the box and more towards Germany. Well, at least that is what my
teacher named it (and no I don't know why). This one isn't as undercover as the
hips, but it will assist those hips greatly and can be done any where there is a
ledge to hold onto. I prefer a chair though!
Outer Line Stretch - a.k.a. American in
-Stand with chair to your right.
-Cross right leg over left foot so shins create a cross. Keep feet grounded.
-Reach left arm up to sky and right hand to back of chair.
-Exhale tilt from pelvis forward, keep back straight.
-Hold and breath 5x.
-Bring left hand to waist. Reach down into feet.
-Inhale lift straight back.
-Repeat on other side.

-Stand with chair to your right.
-Cross right leg over left foot so shins create a cross. Keep feet grounded.
-Reach left arm up to sky and right hand to back of chair.
-Exhale tilt from pelvis forward, keep back straight.
-Hold and breath 5x.
-Bring left hand to waist. Reach down into feet.
-Inhale lift straight back.
-Repeat on other side.
Stay Grounded
Traveling always gets us a
little discombobulated, or in yogi terms airy. There are two great ways to stay
grounded: water, you can never hydrate enough, and deep breaths. The water
helps, but the breath work I have included lets you focus on the back side of
the body. Why is that important? When we travel we focus on the future, where we
are going. So, we forget about the actual back of our body and tend to lean more
forward, thus causing strain to the back of the body.
Back to Back
-Sit in chair with sit-bones near edge of chair and feet firmly planted on floor, hip distance apart.
-Allow sit-bones to sink down as your spine reaches up.
-Take a deep inhale and as you slowly exhale feel all tension releasing from body. Do this a couple of times.
-With eyes closed, bring your awareness to your nostrils and notice the natural breath rhythm. Feel the air moving in and out. Notice the temperature of each inhale and exhale.
-Now bring your awareness to the back of the body starting from the back of the head and work down to the feet. Once you feel the bottom of your feet see if you can bring the breath into the soles, as if the soles are breathing instead of the lungs (imagination is great here). From there work your way up through the back of the body.
-Allow your mind to softly follow this breath rhythm. Do not try to alter your breath, simply watch and feel the heaviness of the body settling into the backside.
-When thoughts interrupt slowly and gently bring attention back to breath rhythm. You are doing it right – just relax and watch!

-Sit in chair with sit-bones near edge of chair and feet firmly planted on floor, hip distance apart.
-Allow sit-bones to sink down as your spine reaches up.
-Take a deep inhale and as you slowly exhale feel all tension releasing from body. Do this a couple of times.
-With eyes closed, bring your awareness to your nostrils and notice the natural breath rhythm. Feel the air moving in and out. Notice the temperature of each inhale and exhale.
-Now bring your awareness to the back of the body starting from the back of the head and work down to the feet. Once you feel the bottom of your feet see if you can bring the breath into the soles, as if the soles are breathing instead of the lungs (imagination is great here). From there work your way up through the back of the body.
-Allow your mind to softly follow this breath rhythm. Do not try to alter your breath, simply watch and feel the heaviness of the body settling into the backside.
-When thoughts interrupt slowly and gently bring attention back to breath rhythm. You are doing it right – just relax and watch!
Once you have ended the travels,
or taken a break from them, help you body calm down. We tend to forget that our
nervous system needs a reboot and that will help us feel refreshed and ready for
the next phase of our day. The best time to do this is after you have showered
and have nothing else to do but sleep. Take as long as you like with this pose.
The longer you relax into it, the deeper the calm you will receive. Yes, you may
have a lot of chatter in the mind and that's okay. Let it ramble along, but
gently stay with your breath, letting the ramble just bubble else
Legs Up
-On back bring from knees to feet onto the seat of the chair. With thigh bones sinking down into hips.
-Rest back on the floor or on a blanket if softness is desired. If head needs a softer surface then place blanket under. Do not tilt head in toward chest, but keep it flat and in line with spine.
-Take a deep inhale and a slow deep exhale.
-Allow the bottom jaw to release and relax from the top.
-Close the eyes and let go of the body and mind.
-Hold for 5-10 minutes.

-On back bring from knees to feet onto the seat of the chair. With thigh bones sinking down into hips.
-Rest back on the floor or on a blanket if softness is desired. If head needs a softer surface then place blanket under. Do not tilt head in toward chest, but keep it flat and in line with spine.
-Take a deep inhale and a slow deep exhale.
-Allow the bottom jaw to release and relax from the top.
-Close the eyes and let go of the body and mind.
-Hold for 5-10 minutes.
Happy Travels
Isn't it nicer to travel when
you body feels great? I certainly have found that to be true. Not only do I feel
better, but I am a much more pleasant person. Now that is a huge

Yes, it IS nicer to travel when your body feels great, and that is my goal, to move around comfortably in life doing all the things I love most, without pain. Yoga surely helps!! Thanks for an excellent blog.