Shoulders are the tool of expression in our body. Think about – shrugging, waving, touching, etc – all come from the movement of the shoulders. We use those two chicken wings a lot! So, when we have pain or tension there it is very noticeable. The inability to reach for a cup in the cabinet or the slow reaction to a wave hello due to pain can bring about emotions of frustration and sadness, which then leads to a whole other dimension of limitation in our being. Well, let’s see if we can’t stop that downward spiral!
Start from the Bottom Up
Do you recall the talk of fascia from March when we focused on the feet? Well, that fascia is a key factor in helping your shoulders. By loosening the tension of the fascia, we loosen the pulling that happens. Once the fascia is released then it is easier to get to the muscles and skeletal structure. Just keep in mind what we went over last week – your body is a whole, not separate parts, and works all together.
Start with the foot work from Yoga for the Feet: Part One

After you have released the fascia it is very beneficial to the shoulders to work the hips. I know your hips may not bother you, but even if you don’t feel the tension in the hips, your shoulders are feeling the pulling down affect from those tight muscles and ligaments of the hips.
Here you can do the entire short version of the Pelvis Warm-Up or maybe just one or two that really felt good to you.
Opening Up that Expressional You
Now that you have created relaxation in the fascia and opened up those hips let’s focus on the shoulders.
This short video demonstration creates movement deep within the shoulder socket as well as moving the muscles that attach to the humerus (upper arm) through the scapula down along the backside of the ribcage. When we create movement that works both stretch and strength then we create release not only in the shoulder but to the upper back as well.
Video of Shoulder Infinities
Now that there is space in the shoulder socket and upper back, let’s create a little bit more by opening up the side of the body. Think about your ribcages. They are there to protect and support the lungs and heart. Have you ever considered how the muscles around the ribcages affect the amount of breath you can get? Well, they do! And when the muscles that travel around the shoulders to the ribcages and then down into the hips (remember it’s all connected) then tightness causes pulling in all directions, thus pain in shoulders and hips and lack of breath. This next short video demonstrates the movement of the side body.
Video of Side Body Stretch
Finally, the last yoga movement for this shoulder work is about strength. Most of us think tension in the body means we are strong and just lack flexibility. That is incorrect. The tension often comes for weakness and lack of flexibility. So, when you practice yoga you always want to do both. Most postures do create a balance, but specific poses work the body in different ways. This next one will be familiar if you practice yoga in any consistency.
Video of Alternate Locust Pose
Letting It All Settle
Now that we have worked the shoulders you will want to rest. It is important to give the nervous system a chance to digest what just happened to the body. The nervous system processes everything we do and if we don’t give it time to relax and let go then we in affect will always feel stressed and overwhelmed. So, here are a few options of slowing things down.
One – If you enjoyed this sequence, but would like a little bit more before taking a deep relaxation then refer back to the Extended Pelvis Warm-Up as your ending to the sequence. If you did the short version then fast forward to where the short version ended and the extended video continues. The final resting pose will feel heavenly.
Two – Relax with a folded blanket along the spine. By placing the blanket at the spine you are giving the spine a sense of support, like a baby in its mother’s arms. With this support and time the muscles and spine let go. *Refer to the Extended Pelvis Warm-Up Video link above for setting up.
Three – If the blanket along the spine is too much then rest with your legs up on a chair (see the end of April's post - click here). I love this version as it also allows the sacrum to relax, thus helping to further relieve tension within the hips.
Next Week
We move from the shoulders next week to the neck. Just as the hips affected the shoulders, the shoulders affect the neck. Are you seeing a pattern here? Yes, we had to start with hips then move up to shoulders before we could tackle the neck. So, if you skipped hips go back now!
Have Ideas
Please contact me with any requests for areas you wish to explore: email me